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Age Group:

Please note you are looking at an event that has already happened.
Registration for this event is no longer open.
Allowed Grades: 9th Grade to 12th Grade

Program Description

Event Details

All study rooms are reserved from 2:00 to 8:00 for our Teen Finals Study program. Each slot is for a maximum of 2 hours.

Registration for the study room is available the day of ONLY; advanced registration will not be accepted.

This room accommodates a maximum of 6 people. Only one member of the group needs to make the reservation. 

By registering you, and all room occupants, are agreeing to the following honor code:

  • I am/we are a student(s) reserving this room for final exam preparation.
  • I am/we are only reserving ONE time slot for our group for today's event. No group members have made additional reservations for other rooms or times on the same day.
  • The number of occupants will not exceed the maximum limit-- 6 people.
  • I/we will adhere to the library's study room policy.

* Additional group study space is available in Meeting Room B without a reservation. Designated quiet study carrels are available on the second floor.

** Check out our Study Blitz event in Meeting Room A for snacks, and de-stress activities! Don't forget to pick up a care package.