Summer Learning Challenge 2024

Sunday, June 2–Wednesday, July 31 for Kids, Teens & Adults

Read, Renew, Repeat Summer Learning Challenge 2024

This Summer’s theme is Read, Renew, Repeat! Sign up starts Sunday, June 2. The Challenge is for all ages, from birth through adults. The first week, June 2–8, is for registration only. Prize bags for kids’ first completed log are available starting June 9.

Download the Beanstack app or use the website to register! Registration, which is all done through Beanstack, is also available at the Library.

You can download Activity Lists below. Activity lists are also available in either Youth Services (Birth to 8th Grade) or Adult & Teen Services (7th Grade and up) at the service desks.

Download the Beanstack App or Use the Website

Preregister for SLC on Beanstack today!

Track your Summer Learning Challenge logs anytime, anywhere! Take those Summer vacation selfies knowing you can earn prizes from wherever you go.

Beanstack app on phone with QR code for download

Birth–8th Grade

Complete the Summer Learning Challenge by doing the activities on the Birth–8th Grade Activity List. Log your activities anytime on the Beanstack app! Staff can also help you log your badges in Beanstack.

  • You do not need to do every activity
  • You can repeat the same activity
  • After 20 activities you will earn a Prize Bag, certificate, virtual drawing entry, and a FREE book!
  • You may complete bonus logs to earn extra virtual drawing entries
  • Pick up your prizes at the Youth Services desk

Download the Kids 2024 Log (PDF, 15.67 MB)

Teens & Adults (7th Grade & Up)

Complete the Summer Learning Challenge by doing the activities on the Teen or Adult Activity Lists. Log your activities anytime on the Beanstack app! Staff can also help you log your badges in Beanstack.

  • You do not need to do every activity
  • You can repeat the same activity
  • Every 5 activities you complete enters you into our Teen or Adult prize drawings
  • Pick up your prizes at the Adult & Teen Services desk

This year's Prizes:

Teens in 7th and 8th Grade can decide which Summer Learning Challenge is best for them! They can register for the Birth-8th Grade challenge or the Teen challenge. 

Download the Adults 2024 Log (PDF, 2.71 MB)

Download the Teens 2024 Log (PDF, 2.83 MB)