In addition to these guidelines, the Treasurer and, by designation, the Executive Director and any assignees shall establish a system of internal controls and written operational procedures designed to prevent loss, theft or misuse of funds.
The preferred method of payment to vendors for the Library is through invoice billing whenever possible. However, there are times when credit card charges are the only available or only practical method. The guidelines for credit card use follow:
- Annually, the Board will review the library personnel who may be granted credit card privileges
- Credit cards will be issued in the name of the Library with signatures approved by the board
- The following positions may be issued credit cards:
- Executive Director
- Assistant Director
- Youth Services Manager
- Adult Services Manager
- IT Manager
- Maintenance Manager
- Circulation Manager
- Creative Services Manager
- Administrative Assistant
- The Executive Director and Assistant Director will set appropriate monetary limits on the signature accounts in accordance with the anticipated needs for the accounts
- Personnel granted credit card privileges must submit signed paper receipts or printouts of charges to the Assistant Director for accounting purposes as soon as possible
- Credit card charges will be debited against the appropriate library funds
Adopted by the Board of Trustees December 13, 1999; Revised June 12, 2006; Updated December 11, 2017; Updated August 12, 2019; Updated March 14, 2022