All Library items for public use are available for use by all patrons. Some items are available for in-library use only based on variables including, but not limited to:
- Cost of the item
- Popular demand or need
- Loss or unavailability of the item
- Accessibility of format
A basic current level of materials in English will be assembled. Materials in languages other than English will be added as needed. Material gifts to the Library will be added to the collection if they meet the selection criteria of the Library and are in good physical condition. Processing and shelving of materials in no way reflects a value judgment of the materials. While there will be no labeling of items to indicate a point of view or bias, labels may be used to indicate subject matter and/or physical location within the building.
Adopted by the Board of Trustees June 14, 2010; Revised December 12, 2011; Updated April 21, 2014; Updated April 12, 2016; Updated December 11, 2017