General Policy 105: Public Comment Policy

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The purpose of the Audience to Visitors section of the Board meeting is to provide a time for the Board of Trustees of the New Lenox Public Library District to listen to comments from the public.  Responses to comments will be at the discretion of the Board President and need not be made at the time of the audience.

The policy will apply to monthly Board meetings and committee meetings.  Agendas for all Board and committee meetings will include an Audience to Visitors section.

There will be a sign-in sheet at all meetings to keep an accurate record of meeting attendees.  All members of the public who wish to speak at the meeting must sign in prior to speaking. 

Visitors may speak for up to 5 minutes.  If a group is attending, one representative from the group will speak on behalf of the group.  The Audience to Visitors section will not exceed 30 minutes.  The Board, at its discretion, may allow for longer with consent of a majority of the Board. 

Patrons may submit comments and questions to Library Trustees at any time through the Library website.  These questions will be answered in a timely manner via email.  To email a question, patrons may go to the Library website.

The Board may suspend the whole or any part of the preceding policy by general consent, or by a vote of the board members present.  Any motion to suspend shall specify the reason and duration of the suspension of the rules.


Adopted by the Board of Trustees June 13, 2011; Revised December 11, 2017